limited Time Offer

Do you stress about holiday gatherings?

Do you want to engage in conversations about important issues, but have doubts or fear judgment if you speak up?

It's hard not to in today's culture.

The world wants you to hold back and fear what others will think if you talk about what you believe.

They've created a culture that shames Christians into thinking you shouldn't speak out against the evil you see in your schools, workplaces, communities, and even in your own home.

They've convinced you that you are being hateful if you do.

God wants to use you in your everyday life to point others to Him and the blessings He offers. But it can be intimidating to speak out.

  • We fear what we will say or do.
  • We are afraid of judgment of others
  • We doubt we can make a difference.
  • We even question whether anyone will listen.

grayscale photo of two women sitting on bench

But it doesn't have to be that way!

You can EQUIP yourself to respond in God's way, with kindness and compassion.

When you do, you will look at life from a different view, have the confidence to be bold, and courageously share the message God has given every Chrisian to share.

Hey there! I'm Vona Johnson!

There was a time when I would only speak up if I absolutely knew I was right and if I could do so without offending anyone. I rarely used my voice on the really important issues of the day, especially if it related to my faith.

But when I discovered that I had nothing to fear and that people really needed to hear God's truth, everything changed.

Through Scripture, God gave me wisdom and courage. He helped me realize that I was not fulfilling my purpose by hiding my faith.

That's when I discovered that I was looking at everything from the world's perspective, not God's. And I knew it was time to write the book that had been on my heart for decades.

A Different View: Start Living the Life Your Soul Longs For weaves the stories of my life & relevant Scriptures from God's Word, into a book that inspires readers through the 4-Part ‘Live Your MORE Process’ and shows them how to:

M= Find what's Missing in their life (Longing for More)

O= Create Order (Aligning for More)

R= Redefine their Priorities (Connecting for More)

E= Live their Eternal Purpose (Living for More)

But reading a book isn't enough. You have to apply what you learn and that can be difficult to do on your own.

So I wrote the book, Equipped for MORE; 10 Essential Habits to Stop Your Doubts and Fear of Judgment So You Can Boldly Live Your Faith. Its a short, to the point handbook that will equip you to confidently live your faith (it'll be available for preorder soon).

But I know you are busy. Too busy to read two books, particularly during the holidays. So to jump start the process, I created a short audio course that pulls the key messages from both books to help you to know when speak up, how to take action, and have the wisdom to know when to wait on God's perfect timing!

I invite you to join me so you can turn DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS into MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS!

This mini-audio course is based on my books, A Different View and it's companion, the soon to be released, Equipped for MORE. It will show you the path to overcoming your doubts and fears so you can know where to speak up, how to confidently take action, and when to sit back and trust God. It will empower you to bring calm to that gathering you dread.

person playing music on space gray iPhone 5s with EarPods on hand during daytime

In this self-paced audio course which includes a live coaching session with the author to help you focus on what's keeping you from speaking out and ways to overcome those doubts and fear of judgment. You'll be able to bring real life examples to the conversation and walk away with a solid plan to address immediate challenges you face today. Like:

  • Having Tough Conversations at Work
  • Dealing with Difficult Family Members at Holiday Gatherings
  • Responding to the Nasty Comment on Your Social Media Post
  • Inviting that Lonely Neighbor to Join You for Church

In addition to the course in a podcast format (so you can listen while you drive, clean, or go for a walk, or anything!), author, Vona Johnson, leads a live discussion about what's happening in our world today and how to maneuver difficult situations.

What you will discover during this short course:

  • Biblical Truth about many of the lies society wants us to believe
  • How to be clear when God is asking you to do something
  • How to know what to say or do when we disagree with others
  • How to get the courage you need to speak up or take action
  • When to walk away (this is the most important one!)

Who is this for? If you...

Feel like God is calling you to speak out

Know people who have drifted from God's Truth and aren't sure how to respond

Fear judgment for saying or doing something that is counter to what everyone else does

Are afraid to engage in everyday exchanges for fear someone will lash out at you for what you believe

Find yourself too busy to attend traditional training, or

Feel led to be a part of this, even if you don't know why

This is NOT for you if...

You are firecely confident and never doubt yourself or what God is asking of you

You aren't interested in learning to live life from a Biblical perspective

You don't want to make any changes in your life

You aren't willing to step outside of your comfort zone to fulfill your God-given purpose.

Sign up today if you're ready to confidently engage in difficult conversations and know when to wisely walk away.

person holding white ceramic mug

Let's face it, our world is divided in every way imaginable. It's causing us to doubt ourselves, the ones we love, and even God.

​ ​

But you're busy aren't you? Who has time for one more thing, right? ​That's where DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS stands out in the crowd! You will:

  • Be able to join the live session by phone or zoom
  • Submit questions prior to the session in case you can't attend live
  • Have access the replay of the live session (or sessions)
  • Listen to all the course material whenever and as often as you like as long as the course is still being offered, even if it is updated!


But don't wait, this may be the only opportunity to have access to live coaching and receive responses to YOUR specific problems in this format at this amazing introductory price of only $7 (FREE TODAY!) So act now!

Doors Close On This FREE Offer on NOVEMBER 13!

You will get access to the audio course immediatly, and the live session will be held on November 19, so sign up today to be ready to engage in meaningful conversations over the holidays.

Act now and gain access to the bonus coaching session to be held November 19 at 4 pm CT, just in time for Thanksgiving Dinner and Uncle Joe's jabs.

About the Author/Coach

Hi, I'm Vona!

I’m an author, coach, podcast host, and speaker. I am a master certified faith based coach and I equip Christians who have doubts or fears about their God-given calling to have the wisdom to know when to boldly speak up, confidently take action, or sit tight and trust God's timing.

Does your soul long for more peace and fulfillment? I know mine did. I had a great career in the affordable housing industry, but I couldn't shake the feeling that God had something more for me. I left housing to become a health coach, but it didn't take me long to realize that was only the first step in learning to trust God, let go of the things that I thought mattered in life, and seek the things that truly do.

Things like connection. Connection with Jesus and the people He brings into my life.

And forgiveness. Forgiveness for the mistakes I've made and the one's where other's had hurt me.

I finally realized that God had a bigger plan for me and it had nothing to do with a title, a paycheck, or anything the world values. He led me on a journey that helped me to become equipped to live my faith in every area of my life, and He wants you to realize He has a bigger plan for you, too.

Do you, too, dream of waking up every morning to a life you love while making a difference in the world? I could think of little else. I really wanted to have a positive impact on the people in my life, but it came at a high cost of always questioning myself. I constantly felt I had to do more and be better. That is until I discovered a different path.

As a first step in your journey to having more impact, join us in this mini audio-course, Difficult Conversations, and learn how you can turn them into Meaningful Conversations!

Don't miss this amazing opportunity...Christmas is just around the corner and you can enjoy it in peace this year if you act now!

If the timing isn't right, sign up today for the Equipped for MORE waitlist to learn about future offers to help you Live Your MORE!

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